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Samsung to start producing semiconductor parts in Vietnam in 2023

08/08/2022 Samsung, Vietnam, semiconductor parts, semiconductor chips

(The picture comes from the Internet)

  According to foreign media reports, Samsung is preparing to open a new R&D center in Hanoi in the fourth quarter of 2022 or early 2023 at the latest. It plans to produce chips in Vietnam from mid-2023 and expand its component production in Vietnam.

  It is reported that Samsung is preparing the conditions for trial production of semiconductor chip grid products, which will be mass-produced at Samsung Electro-Mechanics Vietnam’s Thai Nguyen factory in July 2023; it is expected to open a research and development center in Hanoi by the end of 2022 and early 2023.

  According to Vietnamese media Lao Dong, Samsung's TM Roh and the Vietnamese Prime Minister met to discuss recent socio-economic developments and foreign affairs. Samsung is reportedly preparing to open a new R&D center in Hanoi by the fourth quarter of 2022 or early 2023 at the latest.

  In addition to supporting new research and development projects in Hanoi, Samsung Electronics reportedly plans to expand parts production in Vietnam. As the world's largest memory chip maker further diversifies its manufacturing and the U.S., China and other powers race to master its technology supply chain.

  In February 2022, Samsung's investment in Vietnam, home to half of its global smartphone production for circuit boards, camera modules and other components, increased by $920 million, according to the Thai nguyen provincial government. And it has awarded Samsung Electro-Mechanics Vietnam a certificate to increase its capital to US$2.27 billion. The additional investment will be used to manufacture mobile components including touch sensor modules, linear motors and lenses.

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